Business Services...
We want you to SUCCEED!
Let us help
Outsourced Accounting & Bookkeeping
Outsourcing your accounting and bookkeeping work to a third party provider can cost a lot less than hiring a full time employee; we can handle your accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll needs.
Payroll Tax
Our service calculates, deposits, and files the payroll taxes for your business electronically. We ensure that all tax liabilities are filed timely and accurately. At the year end we issue the W-2 forms to the employees and Taxing Authorities.
Income Tax Preparation
We will ensure your business gets the maximum deductions allowed by law. We are full-service & year-round.
Sales Tax Preparation
Sales & Use tax preparation is a time sensitive function with state mandated filing requirements and deadlines. Most companies do not have the personnel who have both the expertise and the time to effectively manage this state requirement. We help make it easier.
Superior Tax & Accounting Services cares about the safety of your sensitive information. For our clients we provide secure virtual accounting services for ALL our clients.
Safely from your business to ours. Time efficient and 256 Encryption SECURE.